Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spicejet’s mid air Holi Party, what was it?

Whenever we use mediums of transport like cab, bus, train or flight, knowing or unknowing we give our safety in the hand of the people who will be operating these modes of transport. It is the responsibility of the drivers and pilots to ensure that the passengers are taken their destination with utmost care and concern with adequate safety measures.

Recently a video on youtube left me speechless, I saw that video 30 times but didn’t knew what was attracting me towards? It was the video of Spiecejet flight from Goa to Bangalore on 17th March’14, where crew members celebrated holi mid air. They performed on the song “balam pichkari”. The most astonishing part of the video was, both pilots were part of the celebration. One of the pilots joined the crew to perform on the song.
During this time the fight was on auto pilot, the duration of the celebration was 2.40 min but the risk undertaken by the pilots, crew members and the innocent passengers were very high. Anything could have happened during that time. Lucky passengers. Some passengers recorded the entire celebration on their smart phones and uploaded it on youtube. That’s how entire world came to know about it.

Post this incident both pilots have been placed under suspension and a show cause notice has been issued to Spicejet. News channels are airing this incident as hot cake and cashing on it. Have any one of us ever thought why this incident happened? I don’t think so. I feel this was marketing strategy which went horribly wrong.

Reasons to support my thought are as following.
  1. Next couple of month’s flight will have low business so in order to attract customer Spicejet would have done it. Couple of airlines has reduced the air fare by 70%. Strategies are being made to retain and attract new customers.
  2.  Are pilots and crew members authorized to perform any such celebration without informing their higher up? I don’t think so. If that would have been the case then cabin crew would have behaved with the passengers they feel like and pilots would have taken flights to the destination liked by them than the one assigned to them.
  3. Pilots are not suppose to come out of the cockpit during the flight or allow people inside, then what forced /motivated them perform on the flight that too mid air? They had rehearsed for the performance.

Don’t know who did what but feel pity on the pilots who has lost their jobs. I am not justifying the act of pilots because they didn’t discharge their duty to the diligently so they should be punished. But want to know one thing “Did pilots performed out of their free will or they were forced to do it? Depending upon the answer only their punishment can be determined.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Selfish people on road

We have across reports in newspaper that accident victims were laying on road for long before help reached them. I used to wonder how people could do such things unless I experienced an incident on road very recently. 

I was travelling to office on bike other day, at a traffic junction a bike passed me. The pillion rider of the bike was wearing a laptop bag and it was open. Seems like in hurry he had forgotten to zip the bag. Couple of people would have seen him and his bag but nobody went and told him the same. Don’t know what stopped then from doing so? There was a lady on her scooty who was about to get struck to one of the pouches of the bag, even that didn’t deter her from informing this guy. She went ahead without any fuss.

When traffic moved a bit and I came close to this guy’s bike, I informed him that he has not zipped his bag. To which he politely thanked me and zipped his bag. I was feeling very happy that I helped someone. But their was one thing which was disturbing me, if I can do it, why can’t other? It was very small gesture. There was no money involved in it that people have to think twice about taking an initiative.

This shows how selfish people have become these days, if the same incident would have happened to them and nobody would have bothered to tell them, then they would have lost couple of valuable items from the bag. Post that they would have cribbed about it saying people are selfish these days but they should ask a question to themselves first, aren’t they selfish? A selfish person has no rights to call other person selfish.