Friday, June 11, 2010

“Why” factor in Marketing, solution to all marketing problems

Formulating marketing strategies is tough job for any marketer because there is no surety that marketing plan will work out in the very first go. Marketing depends upon trial and error because when we plan an action  few assumptions are taken into consideration, but when tested with reality changes are sure to happen. As  new few facts will come to into picture which may be crucial. Taking new things into consideration,  marketing plan is restructured and implemented keeping with current developments.

Marketing is a continuous factor which if done sincerely keeps the marketers busy day and night. If a marketing strategy has succeed or accepted well by the market, then marketers need to swing into action to know “Why this strategy was successful?”. An in-depth study of this, will enable marketers in formulating better strategy for future. Very rarely marketers go to this type of study as they are busy enjoying the success of their initiative.

When a marketing strategy fail, even then marketers need to know  “Why did the campaign fail?” This study will help them to identify their mistake, take corrective measures. Marketers want to know the reason why their campaign failed but are not able to do so because they have rolled out new campaign immediately which replaces the old one. Some time due to intense pressure marketers do borrow a idea from the campaign doing well but even then they fail.

If marketers keep pushing them on to the why factor, most of their problem could be solved. As this factor is applicable for both success as well as failure, which makes it a continuous process. As said marketing is a continuous process. “Why” factor makes it happen.

Don’t you feel the same?


Rajesh said...


You are making Marketing a very complex and an unscientific thing. Marketing is simple. All we have to do is to connect to our customer. And to connect we need to think about our customers deeply. Research helps us out in doing that in an objective manner.

Unknown said...

hi Rajesh,

As you mention WHY factor in marketing is a good effort, but also you should write something about HOW factor.
because some time even we know the problem we are not able to find the solution.
As i am a marketing guy i would like to suggest, that apart from knowing problem we should also think about solution. and some time WHY factor make you confuse.
past experience and effective marketing strategy help to solve the marketing problems not only WHY.