Thursday, July 12, 2018

Can plastics bags be REALLY banned?

Plastics are a menace to environment and mankind in the long run but it’s one thing that we can’t image our life without it. By plastic am not talking only about carry bags but all items made from plastics like chairs, water bottles etc. But plastics bags are the major contributor towards polluting our surroundings. As a result of which many states have imposed BAN on the usage of plastics in their state. Well appreciated but very few have been successful. Reason though the initiative was good but was not well researched before putting into action.

We can’t BAN plastic bags completely in India, its practically impossible reason we are addicted towards the usage of plastic bags. It’s convenient, user friendly and readily available. And nothing much has been done to identify a substitute for plastic bags. Though paper and cloth bags are available but it is practically impossible to carry them every time we move out. Suppose I am out just for a walk and I see fresh vegetable or fruits, WHAT option do I have? I can’t go back to my house to get a bag neither will the vegetable vendor wait for me. So I will be FORCED to rely on plastic bags, which will be readily available with the vendor. As they can’t AFFORD to keep cloth bag due to its cost. We can’t blame them for that.

Does that mean we should continue using plastic bags? No, REASON, substitute for plastic bags are available in other countries we just need to bring then to India. Some countries have been successful in making plastic like bag from TAPIOCA plant as it is more durable than plastic bags and is environment friendly too. The looks, feel and usage of these bags are similar to plastic bags. Best part is FEW southern states of India are into TAPIOCA cultivation.  

So we have the raw material readily available, we just need to identify the technology through which these plants can be converted in to user friendly carry bags, at low cost, so that people are encouraged to promote its usage among themselves and others, especially among shop keepers.  Once these bags are a huge success among shop keepers masses will slowly get used to them. We get plastic bags primarily from shops than anywhere else.

Next time any state want to impose BAN on the usage of plastic bag in their state, they should first try to come out with a substitute for these bags then impose the BAN, if they really want the ban to be success in the long run. Now people don’t have an alternative for plastic bags, so they are forced to revolt against the BAN but when options of ecofriendly, low cost bags are made available to them, masses will support to the cause whole heartedly, unlike the partial support rendered by people now.
Getting rid of plastics bag is a slow and gradual process which needs to be done meticulously over a period of time instead of using forceful means to get people abide by the DIKTAT on not using plastic bags. It’s not that people aren’t aware about the ill effect of plastic bags but they don’t have a choice other than using them in the hours of need.

Apart from plastic carry bags, something significant needs to be done with plastic pouches as well, we get milk, salt, pulses etc in plastic pouches, we need to figure out a way to get rid of them as well.
Getting RID of plastic bags is difficult but not difficult if we jointly put effort towards it. Simultaneously ways needs to be identified to use these waste plastic bags in some constructive work, like building road, brick manufacturing etc.

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