Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Challenges of stamped home quarantine people

We have been hearing and reading lot of stories about people who are officially home quarantined venturing out among the masses and endangering lives of thousands of people around them. General public criticize home quarantine stamped people without identifying the reason from them to defy the order of government. I would like to share few challenges faced by such people with a real life incident.

Supply of essential commodities

People suspected of Covid 19 virus are also human beings and have full rights to lead their lives just like any one of us. It is duty of the society to ensure that, home quarantined people are supplied with adequate food and essential commodities so that they don’t venture out to buy them and be harassed by people.

A friend of mine shared the plight of a home quarantine stamped people at his native

An aged man in his 60s had returned to his home town, just before the lockdown after meeting his daughter, he traveled by train for both his to and fro journey. The moment he got down at his station, he was asked by officials to be home quarantined which he agreed to.

But next day he was seen at a super market buying groceries for him, when people noticed the stamp in his hand they immediately altered officials and they reached the spot. When this man was questioned by the officials, his response was, I didn’t had food at home as I am alone now and couldn’t with stand starving for long, hence ventured out. Health official and people were so moved by the plight of this man, that they assured him 3 meals daily all through his stamped home quarantine period. Fortunately for him a neighbor of his volunteered to support him for his meals.

Not all stamped home quarantine people are fortunate like this man.

Attitude of society towards stamped home quarantine people

Societies attitude also play a vital role in ensuring that stamped home quarantine people are at home only. Don’t discriminate them or treat their families as untouchables rather rendered your support to time at their testing time. Check with them about the challenges faced by them and extend your helping hand to them which will make them obliged of their duty towards the society. 

When stamped home quarantine people are ill-treated by their own society they become rebellious and wander out freely to vent their anger which is not good for the society at large.

 Mental agony

Duration of stamped home quarantine is 14 days provided one doesn’t develop any symptoms of Covid 19, else the duration will increase. During this time quarantined people is always under constant mental agony interpreting their journey of the days ahead, as chances of them testing positive for Covid 19 is high in comparison to others. This makes them irritative by nature.

So it is the duty of the people of their surroundings to ensure that they don’t panic, during these times and don’t take any drastic steps. Because we don’t know when a home quarantined person may slip into depression or commit suicide.

These are few of the probable challenges faced by stamped home quarantine people and if we are able solve these challenges, we might instill people to be at home both safely and happily. Because together we can we will overcome this Covid 19 pandemic.

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