Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Finally, got the first shot of Covid vaccine

Getting vaccinated against Covid 19 has become a thing of utmost priority for everyone, as that’s the only way we can protect ourselves. I was waiting eagerly for the vaccination to begin for 18+ groups and the moment it happened, logged in to Cowin website to book my slot. But finding a slot for vaccination in this category was no less than winning a lottery ticket, as slot weren’t easily available. I even joined a telegram group to get information about vaccination and my phone used to keep buzzing throughout the day with notification alerts.  At one point I was so frustrated that I gave up on vaccination.

Then one day, randomly while checking the website, I found a slot for first dose, my happiness knew no bound, when I was able to book a slot for myself. I received an SMS on my phone about my vaccination schedule and I used to keep checking it whether, it was for real or not?

On the day for vaccination, I decided to go alone and got ready but my dad said he would accompany me. I told him, I will manage by myself but he was adamant, so we went together to the vaccination center. There was little crowd there but the parking area was relatively free, so I was bit relaxed. My center was at a government school so I had ample place for everything.

After initial verification I was given a token number and directed to one of the class room, it was huge. That classroom took me back to school days when we used to sit in benches and look at blackboards. Fortunately people who had gathered for vaccination there, were sensible enough to maintain physical distancing unlike at other places.

After waiting for almost an hour, my token number was called and I went another building, where once again my details were verified. They even asked few question about allergies and did I get covid in the past 30 days? Since my response was No, I was directed to the vaccination room. There two staff were vaccinating two person at a given time. My number also came and I took my seat and I was inoculated with first dose.

Immediately after inoculation, I was directed to observation room for the next 30 minutes. I took a corner side in that room, as it relatively empty. For the next 30 minutes, I was glued to phone, reading articles and chatting with friends. After 30 minutes, the staff in the room called my name and told me to go, I thanked her and left the room.

The moment I stepped out of that building, saw dad waiting for me near the exit point. While walking towards the parking space, I felt little discomfort but the moment got into car, everything vanished into thin air.

I had already kept my clothes in bathroom and towel outside, so that I can enter the house in towel and leave my clothes in water to be washed later. After shower, I was all fine and put the clothes in washing machine. I visited cowin website and downloaded my certificate, a must in some cases.

After lunch, had the medicine which was given to me at the vaccination center. I drank lot of water that day to keep myself hydrated, a suggestion give to me by my cousin. Later in the evening, I could feel little pain in the arm where I was injected. I retired to bed little early that day but next day, when I got up, I could feel my head was heavy and was not feeling great. I was aware about it, as I had already spoken to my cousins who got inoculated before me.

By afternoon, I felt little feverish so I had the next dose of the medicine and slept in afternoon, rare gesture by me, unless I am too tired. After getting up in evening, I was still little drowsy and by 8 pm, I developed severe body ache, especially lower back. I get such aches only during fever but that night I was not feverish but the pain was dominant.

After struggling with pain for two hours, I slept off. Day two was little better but not completely fine for me but better when compared to day one. Pain on the arm was there, so I ensured no one touches that part of my body. Still mom touched that particular point accidently and I was forced to endure the pain.

Other than heaviness of head and pain in arm, day two was fine for me and I was also able to sleep at night without any body aches. On day three, I was all fine.

I was fortunate to get vaccination but there are still many people in my vicinity from the same age bracket, yet to be vaccinated. I helped one or two people with the registration process but booking slot is not in my hand as one has be hyper active about it. I wish soon a large of chuck of population is partially vaccinated at least because something is better than nothing.

I would like to
thank all staffs who are part of this mass vaccination drive, it’s not easy but these people are working tirelessly for a covid free India.

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