Saturday, January 8, 2022

Covid19 vaccine saved a family from hospitalization

 Health care workers, doctors, state government as well as central government has overtime reiterated the importance of completion of covid 19 vaccination schedule but people have ignored it. They think about getting vaccinated only during peak of covid 19 infection, once the infection rate reduces, people forget about vaccination till another wave comes.

Today I would like to share firsthand information about being infected with covid after completion of covid 19 vaccination schedule.

My friend Raj, has been very protective about himself and his surrounding ever since, covid 19 pandemic hit us. Reason he as a daughter and an aged mother at home and he didn’t want to take any chance with them. Despite all his precautions, his family got infected by covid last week.

When he told me about his coughing problem, I thought it would be common cold (as he drinks only lukewarm water) but he was sure it was covid. Immediately he got himself and his family members tested for RT PCR and the result was positive for all his family members, barring his daughter.

By the time his results came, his sense of smell had vanished too. Immediately the medical team reached out to him over call and enquired about his and his family members health conditions. All his family members were doing fine, including his mom, as they were completely vaccinated against covid 19.

So, doctors prescribed them medicines which should be used only in case of emergencies and they were asked to home quarantine themselves for the next 15 days. I was little worried for Raj, wondering if any of his family members may need hospitalization. So, I used to connect with him everyday in evening to access the situation at his home. He was fine from day1 of the infection, except for sore throat and smell issues, his taste buds had no issues and his appetite had increased a bit.

Its hardly 5 days and he has recovered his ability to smell things completely and has been doing great. He only took a day’s leave from work, despite working from home. He took that leave because of coughing else he wouldn’t have taken that leave also.  

During one of his conversations with his doctor, Raj asked the doctor, how come he and his family recovered so soon without much complication and hospitalization, doctor said “that’s the power of covid 19 vaccine”. Has he not completed his and his family members vaccination on time, situation would have been different from current scenario. Raj never got fever all throughout his infection and recovery period, credit for it goes to his vaccination.

I feel Raj’s story is an eye opener for all those people, who think vaccination doesn’t help, as one can still be infected with the virus. Its true, one can be infected but the morality rate, hospitalization and dependence of oxygen can be reduced drastically and people can be treated at home under the supervision of doctors.

Through this blog I would like to urge all readers to complete the vaccination at the earliest and also encourage others also to do the same. Let’s work towards a covid free world.


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