Showing posts with label Covid test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid test. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

My first Covid test


Going to a pathology lab for any kind of bodily or non-bodily test has been a traumatizing experience for me. I can’t heave a sigh of relief unless my reports have been approved normal by doctors. So I generally avoid such test unless absolutely necessary. But undergoing covid test was mandatory, for me as per the guidelines laid down by Kerala state for inter-state travelers.

I didn’t sleep whole night thinking about the result of the test result, though I didn’t had any symptoms still a test report will reaffirm my belief as well as that of my family members, especially my dad. His policy was very clear, till your test results come, father son emotions are down. A negative report will rekindle the emotion of a father for his son. My dad is too scared of covid as well as people undergoing quarantine.

My sleep was disrupted at 3.00 am on the day of the test, after I couldn’t sleep despite my best efforts. By 7.00 am I got up from bed and tried to meditate to divert my attention but I failed here too. By 9.00 am I had my breakfast and I was all set to go for the test. But I couldn’t go as my appointment was scheduled for 12 noon, I called the lab one more time to confirm my schedule.

I still had 2 more hours to go and I didn’t know how to pass those 2 hours. So I diverted my attention to the laptop, to watch some series which interest me. When I watch action thriller series or movie, I get so engrossed in it, that I forget myself for some time. This trick usually work for me and this time too it worked.

Before heading out for the hospital, my aunt told me to keep my clothes ready in bathroom so that I can directly head for shower. Thanks to corona, a shower is mandatory after an outside visit, especially from hospitals.

At 11.30 am I finally left home for the test, I was driving the car and my uncle was on his bullet to guide me the way. We didn’t travel in the same vehicle because my test results were yet to come and it was a precautionary measure.

By 12.00 pm I reached the hospital and reported at the reception counter.  I was asked to fill some forms before the test, which I did promptly. After that I was directed to the test area, with the forms. One attendant took my form along with the money and asked me to wait for my turn. 

After 2 patients my name was called and I went inside, I was too scared (my cousin told me, she experience nasal pain for 2 days after the test). So I told the guy to be gentle and he told me to relax and sit back.

He inserted a swab first in my left nose, it was little irritating but had to bear it. When he took the swab out I was happy as I thought I was done with the test. But my happiness was short lived, when he put swab in my right nose. It was then that I realized that swabs are put in both nostrils. Finally, I was done with my first covid test.

I was told that within 10 mins my results will be out, this was the longest 10 minutes of the day. I think my day that day was all about diverting my attention, first it was for the test now for its result. I bet people across globe will want this one test report to be negative to be happy while it is vice versa for pregnancy test.

After 10 mins, my name was called out and I went there with bated breath, the attendant told its negative. But I didn’t hear it correctly the first time, obviously because of anxiety, so I request him to repeat, he obliged. I can’t express in words my excitement at that moment, I just wanted to hug someone tightly then but I controlled my emotions, as I was in a hospital.

I informed my uncle about the result and called my parents too, as they had called me couple of time by now enquiring about the result.

Journey back home was joyful, as I was getting relieved about from my quarantine that day.  

Friday, March 26, 2021

My first mandatory quarantine in Kerala


I wanted to visited Kerala and be with my parents for a long time but 7 days of mandatory quarantine, forced me to stay back in Bangalore. I was under the assumption, that one day quarantine norm will be quashed and I will travel. Other reason for me to dodge quarantine was, I am claustrophobic and I wasn’t sure, if I will be able to survive for 7 days in a closed room, all by myself.

Later I realized that this quarantine norm is going off anytime soon, so I decided to visit my parents after a year (longest so far). For quarantine, I zeroed upon my aunt’s house, where my cousin sister had successfully completed her quarantine period.

I landed up at my aunt’s place by evening 6 pm and directly went to the room allotted to me, followed by a quick shower. Since, I was too tired due to exhaustive journey, I took rest for some time and for the l dinner to be served and immediately dozed off to bed.

Next day, my aunt said, full first floor is for you, so you can go to other rooms also, instead of being confined to one room itself. It gave me a fresh breeze of life as I could freely roam to other rooms of the floor without any fear. This made my life little pleasant full as being confined to a room was too monotonous.

I had planned lot of activities for those 7 days of quarantine but nothing materialized. As most of the time my ears were glued to the staircase, as my aunt would get me sometime things to eat at regular interval. Any sound on the staircase was an indication that someone is coming up. Usually I don’t feel that hungry but during those 7 days, I was starving most of the time, hence ate a lot and piled up some weight too.

My only way to communicate with the members of the house was through a glass panel. It was little difficult but good for the current situation. My dad was enjoying this scenario a lot. Couple of time, I felt like a new creature in zoo and people are visiting the place, to get a glimpse of me. But I was happy, in that situation too, as I was in the company of my loved ones.

First two days of quarantine were spend in taking rest as I was too tired due to hectic travel and my right feet was aching too. Since it was travel related ache, I decided to stay away from medicines and applied ice pack at the effect area, it severed the purpose for me.

I was very particular about few things during my quarantine period, first was to meditate daily, drink lukewarm water, eat healthy food at regular interval and take lukewarm water shower. Lukewarm shower because water is little cold in Kerala as they are pumped from well directly and people who are not used to this water, will get cold immediately. And I wanted to avoid falling sick especially during the quarantine period.

My friends and family members would call me frequently to keep a tab on me, so I was usually engaged with someone over call. Evening from 5pm – 7pm, I would at the balcony to get some fresh air and could see people walking down the road along with some vehicular movement. This was my, “me time” when, I didn’t want to take phone calls but enjoy the beauty of nature, as balcony would open to rubber plantation.

Despite all these activities, I felt lonely at times, then I would watch some movie or web series in my laptop. Based on my personal experience, I can say that it’s better to be quarantined with someone. Because sometimes your energy level goes down, there will be someone who will understand your situation better than others. Basic reason for energy level to go down was about the probable outcome of covid test, that people have to take after their quarantine period. This happens usually when are approaching towards the end of your quarantine period.

To sum up I can say that, quarantine period is like spending quality time at a resort where food and all basic amenities will be taken care for you but a visit to the pool or other places are barred.  In totality, I can say that my quarantine period was not that bad as I expected it to be, still I don’t to experience it again unless I have a quarantine partner.