Showing posts with label Reliance group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reliance group. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2016

Reliance’s strategic business thought keeps it ahead in business

Newspaper, digital media and social circuit is abuzz with Reliance’s new launch Jio, a revolution in Indian telecom industry. Such is the impact of Jio that its competitors in India are trying to come out with more customer oriented plans now. Everyday companies are coming with new plan, reason they fear losing their customer base, which has started to shrink already.

Just to refresh, Reliance had been into telecom for over a decade now.  When Nokia was introducing its handsets in India year ago, Reliance was offering mobile phone with connection as a very reasonable rate, which led to a revolution, where people from all walks of life were in possession of cell phone. Reliance was able to roll out good number of handset in market. To retain customer it launched lot of plans for reliance customers. For Nokia phones one needed to buy a sim from any service provider of their choice.

Even I have a reliance phone, it was bought by me couple of years ago do unlimited STD calls, with the condition being, other user should also be a reliance customer. The experience was awesome, had I tried the same in any other service provider would have been robbed. It was not that I didn’t try with other service provider but no was able to beat Reliance’s offer so didn’t had a choice. I know couple of people who still use reliance phone WHY? Because reliance to reliance calls, are unlimited at nominal charge.

Then came the era of smart phones, where people’s phone changing frequently was at peak. A person would not keep a phone for more than 6 months or so. Then some prominent players in the market came up with lucrative yet expensive mobile plans. After sales service of few of them were lethargic but they stayed in market with their deceptive ads. People suffered a lot. But with not much option in hand they decided to continue with their respective mobile service provider

 Reliance was still in business but had slowed a bit to come out with something revolutionary. It was studying all these behavioral changes in the customer pattern especially in term of usage like net pack, voice calling, SMS etc. The outcome of the study was “Jio” its meaning in hindi is “to live”. Must say their plan offering will is meant for people to live with joy in terms of mobile usage, without worrying much about the cost.

When someone slows down in the race, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she is out of race but it can have a different view as well. That they are planning something out of the box to make grand comeback, reliance’s new offering Jio is one such thought. The team which has worked on Jio has thought about one thing ie to benefit to its user in cost effective manner.

I feel that’s the reason WHY Reliance has been to retain its position in market for such long time without much difficulty.