Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Where does sleep goes on holiday?

Getting out of bed early morning is tough task for anybody, we strive to sleep for 5 or 10 more mins. We wait eagerly for weekends when we can sleep for long hours. But on weekends we tend to wake up early than expected. I don’t know if it happens with most of us but it happens with me and few other people whom I know.

On weekdays I get up by 7.30 or 8.00 am max that also either through alarm or someone needs to call me. But on weekend without any alarm my sleep breaks by 6 am and them lie on bed till 8 or 9 depending upon the schedule of the day. But after lunch feel sleepy and take a nap for 2 -3 hrs.  

Despite my best attempt to find out exact cause for this strange behavior no remarkable success has been achieved so far. If my weekends are going to be hectic I feel like sleeping for long hours. Today I had no plans scheduled for the day, I was awake by 6 in morning. It was not the case last week, when the schedule was tight. 

I think its a psychological factor, Mon-Fri we have no option but to get up early to reach office on time,  we look forward to sleep more and wait early for an off. But on weekend we know, have ample time to sleep and get up on our time but tend to get up early.

Do you have any other better suggestion for this strange behavior?