Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Should cops resort to caning or innovative ideas?

Ever since lockdown has been announced in India, cops have taken over roads of the country to maintain law and order along with physical distancing. But within 2 days news about cops high handedness of became headlines of all leading news channels, newspaper and in social media platform like Twitter, where people vented their anger, tagging all top officials of police department along with PMO and Chief Ministers of respective states. 

Within no time this news spread like fire in jungle, to add fuel to the fire were some of the videos where cops could be seen caning and abusing people were made viral on whatsapp, which made the matter worse. Taking advantage of the situation, people created numerous videos on various applications and shared them through facebook and whatsapp.

There were instances of casualties also due to caning in some parts of the country, as a result of which few cops were suspended and departmental inquiry was initiated against them. If proved guilty, cops may be punished too, as these acts leads to violation of human rights too.

Taking stock of these situations DCPs of few states flung into action and issued orders to the force, not to hit people. Now cops on road were in a dilemma, to figure out innovate ways to keep people thronging road unnecessarily without using sticks.

In Chennai, cops used corona virus structured helmet to scare people away from road and it worked for them, it was applauded by people too. This was very innovate thought by Chennai police to scare people through virus replica, as till date people have seen the virus only in mages not in structural form.

In Kerala, after the initial caning now cops make people to do sit ups, if they are found wandering in the city without valid reasons. When I watched the sit up video recently, it took me back to my school days. I am happy that there is no violence and cops have decided mellow down their anger on masses to handle situation calmly.

Bengaluru police commissioner asked this staff to talk politely with people when on road and not to resort to violence of any kind. He is addressing press on daily basis and taking all preventive measures to avoid any outcry among masses and they cooperate with the administration during these time.

I am happy that now there is no violence on roads now else situation could have gone out of control for the government to manage and the entire purpose of lockdown would have failed drastically.  But thanks to the timely intervention of top brass of police officials they not only managed the situation but also instilled the faith of people in police department once again.

I am against all those people who venture out of their homes unreasonably just to risk their life along with their family members. Action should be taken against them but in a way where they understand their mistake and is ashamed of their deeds, just the way kids are taught in schools.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why is government against” Slutwalk” in India?

People always speak about women empowerment, liberation and things which could help them to grow in the society. But when time come for them to support women for things relating to women empowerment, these people they step back.  Forcing women to fight their battle all by themselves. 

Slutwalk is one such raging issue, where government and administration is backing women for raising protest against atrocities done to them. Slutwalk was suppose to be held in Bangalore recently, organizers had taken permission from the administration to support them for it.  Administration agreed to provide full support to them but on the day of the venue they not only backed out, even forced the organizers to stop it as well.

Abiding by the verdict of organizers cancelled the event, but just to inform people, who would gather at the venue they decided to come to the venue. Cops their manhandled them badly and were arrested despite making their point before the senior officials, nobody paid heed to their words. This has now led to great hue and cry among the citizens.

Its not the first time Slutwalk was being organized in India, in past also such events have been conducted. That time nobody raise their voice now administration is raising voice. I don’t think it is right in any way to discourage people who want raise issues concerning them in peaceful manner to be hammered by the administration using violence.

Society is against such marches saying that it doesn’t go with Indian culture as it portrays women in indecent manner. Just want to know, what the society has done to people who did forcefully stripped women in full public galore. There are so many such examples from about which society and administration is still silent. Wasn’t the dignity of women at stake then?

If it was accepted, then people keep mum about Slutwalk and watch it as mute spectators, which they are used about.