Showing posts with label foggy day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foggy day. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Foggy Morning

Winter is the most awaited season for 2 reasons, first it gives respite from the scorching summer and we can digest food more easily than other seasons. People like to eat more food especially parathas and chats during this season. Consumption of tea and coffee is very high during this season. Ginger tea is preferred more during this season.

Foggy morning is a spectacular view for the people, I love such mornings and stand in the balcony watching the beauty of nature. But foggy morning is not good for travelers many flights and trains either get delayed or canceled due to fog to evade accidents. Car drivers and biker also have their own share of problem driving in foggy season.

Since childhood I love foggy days because we can lit fire on charcoal in room and sit next to it. In northern part of India vessels made of mud and cow dung are available especially for burning charcoal in it.  We can use it safely in room without much smoke, provided one knows how to handle it. Here in Bangalore no such option is available, people prefer room heaters than any other mode.  

Despite my liking towards fog can’t enjoy the weather for long due to sinus problem. Still step out to balcony and enjoy it some time. Last year I did a crazy thing on a fog filled morning, went on a drive on bike without helmet or cap on head. After 20 minutes ride came back to room, by evening was suffering from severe headache and cold, accompanied by running nose. Luckily I was staying alone then, but now if I venture for such things my wife would stop it and ensure such adventures are banned for future as well.

I love to come out in fog after taking bath (preferably in hot water) it a wonderful feeling then. Today morning also did the same thing but didn’t stand for long in balcony fearing falling ill. Going out for jogging is also a viable option to enjoy the season to the fullest, will try it at the next available opportunity.

Most difficult thing during such days is getting out of bed and taking bath. Leaving bed is like battling with oneself and the warm blanket. Taking bath even in hot water is nothing less than a struggle especially changing clothes. Despite these small troubles, still love foggy day and wait eagerly for it.