Thursday, December 3, 2009

Differciating between good and evil

Its difficult to follow the path of honestly, sincerity and goodness in long run, utmost a person can follow it for a month or more not beyond that. Often thought about it but finding an answer was a tough deal so decided to follow the path myself. Initially things were easy because of enthusiasm but of late it started becoming difficult one day finally gave up.

But realized few thing during this process that our will power is solely responsible for choosing the path between good and evil. Initially we may follow the path of righteous, which is very difficult when we have so many negative vibes around us. But our tendency to lean towards evil increase when we come across set backs and hardships. Its here when we start loosing our confidence, which effects our decision making skills

Its just like "Worth of thing is realized only when it is lost" in the same manner our realization of mistake is known when we face the consequences of deeds done by us. A person identity is by the deeds done by him, which depends on his ability to withstand tough situation. Its human nature to go for things which are easily available than trying for tough ones. Those who have the ability to determination and courage to pass through any situation can be a winner.

All of us try to be a winner but only few emerge out. Would like to meet few such people who have not bend before hardship and moved till they attain their goal..

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