Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why can’t wife’s be with their husband and family?

Marriage is considered the most auspicious event in an individual’s life. It’s the beginning of a new life which is going to be different from the one lived so far. Both parties need to adjust a lot to make things moving in life else can part ways before things turn nasty. Guys don’t have much to sacrifice after marriage. Sacrifices are done mostly done by women not only during marriage but even after.

Girls have to leave their house, parents, relatives and friends and accept her husband with his family. Initially it is difficult for girls to adjust things but later on they get used to it. During wedding girls father hand over his daughter’s hand to the guys hand whereby he gives full responsibility of his daughter to her husband.

Husbands try their level best to make their wife’s comfortable at house and with his relatives because from now on she need to take care of them in the way, her husband has taken care of them. Married girls get respect, love , affection from her husband and his relative because from now she is the one who will be taking care of their son and will be responsible for taking the family tree to next level.

Despite such attempt  by husband’s, when wife’s decide to stay by her family on any occasion, husband’s get annoyed and feel cheated. Reason being husband’s effort to appease his wife by standing for her has failed or she was just using him for one thing or the other. Come what ever wife’s will always stand by her family side and justify their claim. Very rarely they will stand by her husband or his family. 

Wife’s just want her husband along with her family to move ahead. They don’t want her husband’s family in her life and ensure that his family is kept at a distance. Even while doing so why can’t they think for a while that “when she want her family then how can her husband survive without his”?

Married women have 2 family and house one her own other one of her husband. When she sees that situation at her house is not good she switches to her husband’s house and stick their but if her family is in a better position then she will stick to her family ignoring her husband. Its very difficult to say whether your wife is with you or with her family. Only situations can answer it. 

It is always said daughter’s house is the one where they get married off not the house where they were born. Girl’s are aware about but they don’t want to accept it and try to manage things other way round. There are very few girls who stick to her husband and his family all throughout, such guys are really lucky. 

I think its high we guys need to take a stand and ask our wife’s to make her stand clear. We have no problem in you being with your family as we also need our family but given a chance to stand for your husband even if its with against your family, you should stand by him. If wife’s can’t do so its high time she  need to decide which way she want to head. But we guys will never allow our parents love and affection being used by someone just because of being our wife on paper and not in deeds.

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