Showing posts with label Summit HR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summit HR. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Prabhu’s birthday in Summit office

Prabhu our office boy is an integral part of Summit. If he doesn't come to office a day, our life is at toss. Most of us will have to step out of office that day for getting lunch. If Prabhu is there, he will take order from us and deliver it to us by lunch time. He even suggests places from where we can order food and delicacies as well.

At any given point of time we can approach Prabhu and ask him to get what we want in office. He never say to NO to anybody, always takes our requirement with a smile.

It was Prabhu’s birthday last Friday, he came to office in full white dress including shoes, except a black half  coat. The moment I entered office and saw him, it reminded me of filmstar Jeetendra, he used to wear such clothes. I told him the same, then Prabhu told me its his birthday today. After some time, he offered sweets to everyone in office.

During lunch time, someone suggested to buy a gift for Prabhu.  All were ready to contribute and we started thinking about the gift for Prabhu. Deepak (colleague) made a wonderful suggestion that we buy a cake for him and celebrate his birthday. Our discussion concluded in buying a wrist watch with a cake for him. We decided to think about the cake on the basis of the money collected and the cost of the watch.

Collection was done immediately as everybody was ready with the money. All these started post 3 pm. By 5 pm I left office with a colleague (Lokesh) to get the gift. We asked Archana (office admin) to ensure that Prabhu doesn’t leave office before we reach. Luckily we were able to get a watch and a cake for him.

No sooner we reached office we celebrated his birthday and gifted the watch to him. He was too happy as he didn't except any such thing from our end. The smile on his face was more than enough for us.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Small act of bravery by Madhuri

We recognize people for their good deeds but very rarely try to do things by ourselves. Anyone can do it,  if we stop thinking about “what people will think about us”? We should listen to ourselves and do the right things at the right time than waiting for others to take the first step.

A real life incident from Madhuri from our office

Bangalore metro has been introduced only in some areas, some use it for daily commute while other use it for firsthand experience.  One of my office colleague(Madhuri) decided to try metro for coming to office for a change. During lunch break she told, “I cleaned Metro train today”. Our expression- What? Because Metro is well maintained, then she narrated the story.

She got into Metro from her station, next station some first timers including kids got into Metro and started talking loudly, disturbing the peaceful environment inside the train. Everybody was quite, soon kids started hanging on the support rod of the train, people accompanying them were least bothered by these ruckus. 

Commuters were annoyed but no one was willing to take the first step to stop them from creating nuisance in public transport. Suddenly someone from the crowd spit at the doors of the train. He was chewing pan, white colored door had red patches on either sides.

Everybody was quiet, this was the time when Madhuri took a tissue from her bag and started cleaning one of doors of the train. People were looking at the brave act undertaken by her. Soon one girl came to Madhuri and asked if she has more tissues, Madhuri gave that girl some tissues and together they removed the red patch from the door.

Entire gang of people, who did it, had suddenly become quiet. Kids took their place, no loud voices nothing. Peaceful environment of the train was restored by a small act from Madhuri.  I feel everybody would have appreciated Madhuri for her act, but nobody came forward to do it.

But we appreciate her act, I asked why did you do it? Her reply was I couldn’t see Metro train dirty.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Latha’s Birthday at Summit HR

Latha is one stop solution for all problems in Summit HR. If she is not in office for a day, we feel like missing something at Summit HR. She takes care of everything from system to office maintenance. Meet everybody with a smiling face and always ready to help people at work with the best of her knowledge.

Latha helped me a lot when I joined Summit sometime back. Daily she used to wish me in morning and checked if I needed anything? Would like to share a small incident-“ One day she was suppose to hand over office laptop and few other things to me but I left office early that day due to fever.  Next day I was bit scared to counter Latha but she welcomed me with smile and felt sorry for my ill health, then handed the laptop to me”. I said sorry to her for the inconvenience caused to her due of my absence, to which Latha said “Its okay, you didn’t do it intentionally”

Latha / Karthik used to send B’Day greetings to all Summitian on their Birthday. Yesterday was Latha’s Birthday, since Karthik is no longer with Summit, we were wondering who would send her B’Day greeting.
I along with Badri and Rashmi decided to do something different for Latha, we decided to celebrate her B’day by cutting cake. Since cake had to be eggless, it was difficult to find it but with Hari’s help we were able to figure out a shop and got the cake for her.

When we requested Latha to come and cut the cake, she was very happy at the surprise we planned for her. The cake was yummy, everybody liked it a lot. 

Sometime small surprises can do wonders and make people happy. Looking forward to share more such happy moments at Summit