Showing posts with label Summit HR India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summit HR India. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Corporate Social Responsibility from Summit HR

Every individual has his/her responsibility towards the society where they live. Most of us keep cribbing about the wrong practices followed by the members of the society but only few have the courage to take corrective measure because it takes lot of courage and patience.

Many MNC today are actively promoting CSR in their campuses and encourage their employees to participate in it actively. Nobody is forced for such activities people do it voluntarily. CSR activities could be visiting old age homes, no plastic day, using public transport to commute to work on a particular day, marathons to name a few.

My office Summit HR took us to a school for giving a session on importance of Hygiene in an individual’s life.  Session was for students of class IV & V. When we were heading towards the class for the session, students started greeting us with “Good afternoon sir”. It was a pleasant experience for us.

Students were highly enthusiastic about the session as they has 3 new faces (myself, Badri & Nikhil) apart from their regular instructor. Students wanted us to introduce our self before starting the session and requested our active participation in it. We obliged to it. We wanted students to speak more and share their views on this topic rather than us making the first move. 

Students were brilliant and responded very well to the topics covered in the session. As part of the program, students were divided into groups and asked to enact a skit on any one of the topics covered during the session. Within a span of 3 min, students were ready with the skit and performed on themes beyond our imagination. 

Then came the most exciting part of the session a game about which me and badri had no clue but Nikhil was aware about it. Students wanted us also to be a part of the game, we participated in it actively. This game took us to our school days. Finally it was time to say bye to kids, they has requested us to visit them for the next session, we will try our level best for it.

It was a mind refreshing session for all of us. We laughed to the fullest keeping all tensions at bay. For some moments we became kids with the students. 

Would like to thank Dream a Dream and Nikhil for organizing the session for us and hope it continues near future as well.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Latha’s Birthday at Summit HR

Latha is one stop solution for all problems in Summit HR. If she is not in office for a day, we feel like missing something at Summit HR. She takes care of everything from system to office maintenance. Meet everybody with a smiling face and always ready to help people at work with the best of her knowledge.

Latha helped me a lot when I joined Summit sometime back. Daily she used to wish me in morning and checked if I needed anything? Would like to share a small incident-“ One day she was suppose to hand over office laptop and few other things to me but I left office early that day due to fever.  Next day I was bit scared to counter Latha but she welcomed me with smile and felt sorry for my ill health, then handed the laptop to me”. I said sorry to her for the inconvenience caused to her due of my absence, to which Latha said “Its okay, you didn’t do it intentionally”

Latha / Karthik used to send B’Day greetings to all Summitian on their Birthday. Yesterday was Latha’s Birthday, since Karthik is no longer with Summit, we were wondering who would send her B’Day greeting.
I along with Badri and Rashmi decided to do something different for Latha, we decided to celebrate her B’day by cutting cake. Since cake had to be eggless, it was difficult to find it but with Hari’s help we were able to figure out a shop and got the cake for her.

When we requested Latha to come and cut the cake, she was very happy at the surprise we planned for her. The cake was yummy, everybody liked it a lot. 

Sometime small surprises can do wonders and make people happy. Looking forward to share more such happy moments at Summit