Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2019

Made in Heaven a path breaking web series

It is said that “Marriages are made in heaven but are solemnized here on earth” That’s the theme of Amazon prime latest web offering “Made in India”. It’s initial trailer seemed like the revolved around a single story but it isn’t that way. They have covered around 7 wedding stories in the entire series. Each episode covers one wedding in the series, except for the main plot, which is nerve gripping.

India diverse culture and its fascination for wedding have been well captured in the series. From the big fat Indian wedding to traditional weddings to royal wedding to church wedding to punjabi NRI wedding to the wedding of a peon’s daughter. All these different types of wedding have been covered in the most charismatic way.

 It was delight to watch all these different types of wedding in one show. Didn’t feel like was watching a web series, feel was similar to watching a blockbuster movie, that was the grandeur of the wedding celebrations. Hats off, to the creative team of “Made in Heaven”, who presented all weddings so well. That way the reason WHY all weddings were delight to watch for.

 In India, only dream that parents have for their kids, is to get them married at the right age.  Once kids are married, parents are relieved of one of the biggest and most challenging responsibilities of their life. Parents nourish this dream from the moment a child is born. That’s the reason MARRIAGES are given more importance in India. Theme of the web series was complete match to this ideology and captured these emotions in its true form.

This series was also an eye opener towards the life and functioning of wedding planners. They work tirelessly to make weddings the most amazing day in a couple’s life. Wedding planner’s primary focus is to ensure that the couple cherishes the memories of their wedding. Bride and groom is meant to enjoy the biggest day of their life for everything else, wedding planner’s are there. They are the extended family of the couple during wedding.

 Through the series is all about wedding but there is also a parallel story running in the main plot the series. Especially, story revolving around the male protagonist of the series, makers have presented it in a most dignified manner.

Actor Arjun Mathur played his part, with much ease and elegance. It was a challenging task for any male actor to take but not only did he accept the challenge but also did complete justice to the role, Kudos to him for that. This part can’t be explained in words but it has to be watched to understand the message it wants to convey to the people.

Usually web series have an open ended ending for season 1 but that wasn’t the case with Made in Heaven. I felt finale episode was complete in itself, it wasn’t like other web series where you are left to anxiously wait for the next season. About which no one has any idea about. That’s one of the reasons WHY I hate web series at times. Still end up watching them for the concept and story line.

Those of you, who haven’t watched it Made in Heaven, so watch it. It’s worth watching.

Monday, December 19, 2011

My cousin’s wedding

It was the most awaited wedding in our family. What made it more special was that, Deepak was our youngest cousin. Despite being the youngest among us, search for his bride began. Reason could be he was the only son of his parents. No sooner did he complete his studies, my sister started searching a girl of him. 

He had seen more girls than me and had motivated me and my other cousin to venture for marriage despite our fear towards it. When I landed at his house a day prior to wedding couldn’t believe, my naughty cousin is going to be a family man next day. We used to fight a lot for silly reason during our childhood days. Those fight’s has strengthen our relation to the extent that people are envy of it today.

 Guys had to sleep on floor while I took sofa but ensured Deepak to sleep next to me (didn’t want him to go away from me). We all got up in morning and tried to get ready, ensuring other to use washroom as the house was full with guests. Had our breakfast, I was entrusted the responsibility to dress Deepak for his big day.

Shirt and make up was taken up by me but “mundu” was not in my hands. That was taken care by a relative of ours. No sooner did he get ready, photographer came to start the photo shoot and Deepak had touch my feet as I was his only mama who could make it to the wedding.  It was an emotional moment for me as till date we were just like good friends who used to share all guys thing together.

We reached the wedding venue waited for the auspicious moment, I went to the mandap with him for facilitating things for my sister. With in moments he became a married man from my very dear cousin. I accompanied him back home with his wife.
By evening all wedding functions got over and it was time for me to say goodbye to him. Dad came to pick me, mom and my wife back home. Now I won’t be coming back home soon for any wedding, as all my other cousins are small and have some time left for them to enter into wedlock.