Monday, December 19, 2011

My cousin’s wedding

It was the most awaited wedding in our family. What made it more special was that, Deepak was our youngest cousin. Despite being the youngest among us, search for his bride began. Reason could be he was the only son of his parents. No sooner did he complete his studies, my sister started searching a girl of him. 

He had seen more girls than me and had motivated me and my other cousin to venture for marriage despite our fear towards it. When I landed at his house a day prior to wedding couldn’t believe, my naughty cousin is going to be a family man next day. We used to fight a lot for silly reason during our childhood days. Those fight’s has strengthen our relation to the extent that people are envy of it today.

 Guys had to sleep on floor while I took sofa but ensured Deepak to sleep next to me (didn’t want him to go away from me). We all got up in morning and tried to get ready, ensuring other to use washroom as the house was full with guests. Had our breakfast, I was entrusted the responsibility to dress Deepak for his big day.

Shirt and make up was taken up by me but “mundu” was not in my hands. That was taken care by a relative of ours. No sooner did he get ready, photographer came to start the photo shoot and Deepak had touch my feet as I was his only mama who could make it to the wedding.  It was an emotional moment for me as till date we were just like good friends who used to share all guys thing together.

We reached the wedding venue waited for the auspicious moment, I went to the mandap with him for facilitating things for my sister. With in moments he became a married man from my very dear cousin. I accompanied him back home with his wife.
By evening all wedding functions got over and it was time for me to say goodbye to him. Dad came to pick me, mom and my wife back home. Now I won’t be coming back home soon for any wedding, as all my other cousins are small and have some time left for them to enter into wedlock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where did my comments go?

Come out of the closet mate!