Who doesn't want a good body which would come people to turn around once? To acquire it people adopt various ways to suit their needs like dieting, hitting gym, yoga to name a few. Often going on diet is the primary step adopted by most of us as it is easy and doesn't cost much. Nobody wants to get out of their comfort zone but want to achieve results.
My work requires me to sit in front of system for a longer period of time. Of-late I started putting on weight evident from my small tummy which was at the verge of inception. Putting T-shirts with tummy didn't go well with me, immediately decided upon reducing weight before its too late. Started dieting gave up outside food, less oil in food preparation, less food but no respite.
Finally decided to hit gym at last resort had it in past even so was confident about the outcome. First 3 days were hell, full body was on ache couldn't even sleep well,but in hope of getting good physique beard it with full courage. Result was visible in 3 months because don't strain myself to the core because of back ache.Then hitting gym became a part of my life, couldn't do without it. Befriended few people in gym who guided me to in achieving my target.
But hitting gym after vacations were very painful, had to motivate myself a lot to do so. Often used to think why am I paying money for this pain. Daily while doing exercise also one has to bear pain when weights are increased, seems like their is no strength left in body.Have heard people screaming in pain when they try to lift weight beyond their capacity.
But this pain has a hidden pleasure engulfed in it, that's the reason why people go for it. Best way to motivate oneself is imagination. Won't you try once.