Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kabil Sibal on social networking sites

Social networking sites facebook & twitter has become the life of people especially the youths of the nation. They are ready to forgo food but can’t miss from logging to facebook or twitter. Facebook is more predominant among youth than twitter.  India witnessed the presence of social networking through orkut and people were crazy about it. 

Nobody knows how facebook become so popular in India, people go by different set of stories to support their stand. Some say its because of games like Farmville , where in user has to login daily to FB for taking care of his farm. While other say options like “friend finder like” has made it to the place where it is today.

Today most of the companies are depended on FB for promoting their business online. User are free to raise their voice on FB about the topic which interest them. Facebook users have been posting content on their FB space depending upon their instinct and they have the full right to do so. India is a democratic country with certain fundamental rights awarded to it citizens.

Do accept the fact that at times content posted on such sites harm sentiments of people but if it brought to the notice of the sites they will take appropriate action. Has done so in past. “Once Barkha Dutt has saved the precious life of a women who wanted to commit suicide, twitter help her in doing do”.

I think instead of enforcing code of conduct on such websites, Kapil Sibbal should figure some other to find solution the problem addressed by him. Their could be multiple ways in which one problem can be solved only thing is that, it need to be found.

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