Monday, December 19, 2011

Tussle with an anti virus

I am not very good with technical but somehow manage things. Most installations on my lappy are done by friends who have through knowledge of things. Have never handed over my lappy to people for experimenting nor do I venture for it, unless left with no other option in hand.

Anti virus on my system got expired just thought of downloading one from internet for the time being till my friend gets me a new one, which he has installed himself on his system. After much research I downloaded one from internet but it was the biggest mistake I did. The moment I downloaded antivirus tried to install it on my lappy god know what went wrong, my system developed some major problem which I did face till date. None on my icons were working , when I try to turn off my system even that was not happening. 

I had to opt for forced turn off and when I turn on it won’t get started up. All this was happening at time when I wanted my lappy badly to complete an assigned. I asked my wife, who happens to be an MCA but even she couldn’t help me. In the mean while I was trying option to turn on the system and uninstall the antivirus.

Then I started my system in safemode than turn it onto normal mode, it worked. From their went to setting and uninstalled that software. All this process took more an 2 hours but I learned one thing never install things about which you are not sure and tuning system to safe mode can be beneficial to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow man! Your being an MBA, and your wife being an MCA couldn't install Anti-Virus on your computer!

Good luck mate!