Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Miraculous escape from a disastrous bus accident

Accidents are common these day but we feel it when our loved one is involved in it, otherwise we care little about it. Me and wife were coming back to Bangalore after attending my cousin’s wedding. Our ticket was booked for train earlier, since it was not confirmed we booked ticket by bus. It has been six years now that I have traveling by bus from Bangalore to Kerala and return. Bus tickets are easily available if you are a frequent traveler by any particular travels.

My dad use to book tickets and even this time he accompanied me to the travels because of his familiarity with travels. I prefer sleeper birth that also in the front row, knowing this the agent allotted us the seat in the first row after driver’s cabin.

My parent’s and in laws came to bus stop to wish us happy journey, we reached bus stop in our new car. My wife loves traveling by it. Bus came on time and left immediately. As bus parted we settled our self to the seat allotted to us. I called my brother in law to inform him about our departure.

At 7.30 pm bus stopped for us to have dinner, since we were carrying sandwich, we decided to have it. It was bus last stop before touching Bangalore. By 8 pm bus left the restaurant and lights were switched off. I was feeling tired so I slept but my wife was not getting sleep. She was changing position and used to wake up frequently.

At 5 in the morning my wife she held me tight and started calling me, followed by some strange sound and bus coming to halt. I was in deep sleep so couldn’t understand what was happened but soon I realized our bus has met with an accident. 

I got down from my seat to see what had happened. The moment I opened the door, first thing I could see was front glass of the bus was missing and the door was jammed. Somehow I got out of the bus and saw front portion fully smashed, couldn’t even image it was the same bus we boarded few hours ago. The moment I saw the wheels of the bus, I was shocked because had the bus not stopped then, it would have toppled down, since it wheels were too close to the divider.

Luckily none of the passengers were hurt, only the bus was damaged beyond recognition. We stayed back on our seat, as new bus was coming to ferry us to Bangalore. By 6 I called my brother in law to inform him about the accident and ask him not to come to bus stop to pick us. By 7 we called up our houses to inform them about the mishap.

The moment we called them, “first question was where have you reached?”.When we told them about the accident, they become extremely worried and started asking question about the incident. They wanted us to reach Bangalore at the earliest by any means. But we had to wait till the other bus comes and take us to Bangalore.

Bus came and we reached Bangalore, then home but throughout our journey phone kept on ringing.  Our parents are yet to recover from the shock of losing their kids to an accident. While lying on bed I was thinking, if we have been dead in that accident, nothing would have been lost. We met all our relatives and friends in the wedding. Our parents bid us goodbye, had lived our life till that moment to the fullest.

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